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In “The Advisors’ real life” series : We used to imagine libidos going down as we get older and people not having a “sex life”. Nurses working in retirement homes will strongly disagree… and so will the Soft Paris Advisors. Here is a testimony from an advisor regarding one of her home selling reunions: “I scheduled a Soft Party with a middle-aged woman. It was quite a long time ago and back then, I wasn’t doing my hostess preparation like I would do them today. So I arrived at her place for a Couple’s Soft Party and she welcomed me in a blouse (you know, the floral looking ones, like what people wear in the countryside!). Her husband came back from the garden wearing his vest with a pair of rainboots. All their friends arrived and also shared the same look, a typically countryside, old fashionned look... I began to worry, wondering if they knew exactly what kind of meeting i was going to present. Thankfully there was no misunderstanding and I sold loads of vibrating rings, as they considered them a less dangerous alternative to Viagra. I also sold several Wave Rabbits - clearly my clients weren’t ready to let go of their sex lives before discovering this little creature! A great memory I have of this meeting is the scenery, the meeting took place under the shadow of the pergolas, whilst the house reminded me of teatime at my grandparents when I was a child.

Pleasure for all

Feeling sexy is not reserved to a certain part of the population, just as sexual pleasure isn’t either. Desire and pleasure are two universal emotions which begin at a young age and remain to our last moment. Some people make love in satin bedding and some in haystacks. Our advisors know that, the Advisors’ real life is filled with funny and surprising moments, perfect for putting a smile to their face!  
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